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- Written by: Administrator
- Category: Science and God
- Hits: 754
I was perusing the Book of Enoch again the other day (like the Bible, it's worth reading multiple times), and I came to the section on the celestial bodies. Enoch talks about the paths of the sun, moon, and stars. I was trying to make sense of it, because, truly, everything revealed by god and the prophets has turned out to be verifiably correct; eg. Sodom and Gomorrah, the fact the Christ existed, the universe being brought into existence, sites of ancient cities, sites of ancient temples, Noah's flood, etc. Anyway, all the holy texts talk about the earth being at the center of the universe. I started wondering how they could have this wrong. Then I thought about possible ways to interpret what the holy texts say to make them mesh with the heliocentric model. Then I thought, "Wait, what is the proof that the earth revolves around the Sun?" Guess what I found; there isn't any.

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- Written by: Administrator
- Category: Science and God
- Hits: 1092
Lets just start right off with a heavy left hook; everything you've been told about being green/climate change is a lie. Electric cars are bad for the environment. Carbon dioxide does not cause global warming. Coal and oil are not villains. Recycling is a scam. Paper straws do not save turtles. Polar bears are thriving. Ethanol is destroying the environment. And cow farts have no impact on the atmosphere whatsoever.